UNIDA Gontor Contribution in Australia – Indonesia Muslim Exchange Program (AIMEP) 2022

UNIDA Gontor – Rector of the University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor Al Ustadz Prof. Dr. K.H. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, M.A, E.d, M.Phil. became a resource person in Australia – Indonesia Muslim Exchange Program (AIMEP) 2022. The event took place on Thursday (10/11/2022). Themed ‘Pesantren Education at Gontor (Secondary and Higher Education Level)’ took place in a zoom meeting and UNIDA Gontor rectorate meeting room at 15:00 – 16:30 WIB. Approximately 30 participants attended the event that afternoon. And also attending the event were the Head of the UNIDA Gontor Secretariat, Al Ustadz Ahmad Saifulloh, M.Pd.I, Ph.D., 10 male and female Gontor teachers, and 5 students.

The event was opened and greeted briefly by Rowan Gould director of AIMEP as well as a brief introduction from each participant. Then the event session continued with a short tour and an introduction to Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor and the UNIDA Gontor Campus.

The event then continued with a presentation by Ustadz Hamid. Related to the education system and the values contained in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor.

“Gontor does not prioritize one school of thought, Gontor is above and for all groups. And in the five souls, there is also a spirit of freedom. Discipline will not work if students come and go. So, in Gontor to be effective, the students or students live in the dormitory and the teacher also lives in the hut. Apart from being in class, students can also study or have discussions in the dormitory about religious, social, and other issues,” said Ustadz Hamid in his presentation.

Before entering the closing session, the event was continued with a discussion session with all participants who attended the event. And at the end of the last session, the event was closed with a prayer and a group photo to capture this important moment.

Author: Mohammad Nurwahyudi

Editor: Rifki Aulia

Ahmad Kali Akbar

Ahmad Kali Akbar