Rector's Welcome
Welcome to Universitas Darussalam Gontor. In this university students and lecturers intermingle in the unique environment and enjoy fabulous learning society, under at least five spirits comprising sincerity, simplicity, self-reliance, brotherhood and freedom.
Latest News
Kerja Sama Strategis UNIDA Gontor dengan Empat Lembaga Pendidikan di Penang, Malaysia
KKNI UNIDA Gontor Siap Adakan Kelas Intensif Bahasa Arab di SMA MATSA Penang Malaysia
UNIDA Gontor Menjadi Perguruan Terbaik di Ponorogo Versi EduRank dan Masuk Top 150 se-Indonesia
Ramadhan Bersama: KKN Internasional Unida Gontor Gelar Silaturahmi dan Buka Bersama di Arab Saudi
UNIDA Gontor Gelar Kultum Subuh Ramadhan 1446 H
Misi Edukasi di Negeri Jiran: KKN UNIDA Gontor Memulai Pengabdian di Sanggar Bimbingan
Dosen UNIDA Gontor Terpilih Menjadi Dai Ambassador Dompet Dhuafa ke Jepang dan Thailand

University of Darussalam Gontor is unique in itself. It is the university that previously belongs to family and then endowed to society, after which it is no longer belongs to family but converted to the property of Muslim ummah and hence became Waqf university.
Campus Calendar
Tahfidz Examination UNIDA Gontor 1445-1446/2024-2025 Period
Audit Mutu Internal (AMI) UNIDA Gontor Periode 2024-2025
Data Science and Fake News
Why Universitas Darussalam Gontor
A choice that makes the difference.
University Rankings
We've achieved an enviable reputation for research and teaching excellence.
University Ranking in Indonesia
ASEAN University Ranking
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Testimonials from Expert
The Fountain of Wisdom. A Place for Learning, Discovery, Innovation, Expression And Discourse

Information System
We offer world-class facilities with integrated academic information system