Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran UNIDA Gontor bertujuan mencetak dokter profesional dengan kompetensi medis yang unggul, berbasis nilai-nilai Islam. Kurikulum mengintegrasikan ilmu kedokteran modern dengan pendidikan karakter dan spiritual. Mahasiswa mendapatkan pembelajaran berbasis kasus (PBL) serta praktik klinis di rumah sakit mitra. Lulusan diharapkan menjadi dokter yang berilmu, berakhlak, dan siap mengabdi kepada masyarakat.
LEARN MORE Program Profesi Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran UNIDA Gontor dirancang untuk melahirkan dokter yang kompeten, berintegritas, dan berlandaskan nilai-nilai Islam. Pendidikan klinis dilakukan di rumah sakit mitra dengan bimbingan dokter spesialis. Mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan medis, etika profesi, dan kepemimpinan dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Lulusan siap berkontribusi sebagai dokter yang profesional dan berakhlak mulia.
LEARN MORE E-Learning Fakultas Kedokteran UNIDA Gontor menyediakan platform pembelajaran daring yang interaktif dan fleksibel. Mahasiswa dapat mengakses materi kuliah, diskusi, serta evaluasi akademik kapan saja dan di mana saja. Sistem ini mendukung metode blended learning untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan mahasiswa. Akses E-Learning dapat dilakukan melalui [](
LEARN MORE Kalender Akademik
Fakultas Kedokteran Unida Gontor
>Kalender Akademik FK UNIDA Tahun Ajaran 2024-2025 [download file]
>Kalender Akademik FK UNIDA Tahun Ajaran 2025-2026 [download file]
LEARN MORE File Kemahasiswaan
>Permohonan Surat Keterangan Aktif Kuliah [text active button download file]
>Pengajuan Proposal/LPJ Kegiatan [text active button download file]
>Surat Permohonan Cuti [text active button download file]
LEARN MORE Application Process
Start Online Submission
Apply to Universitas Darussalam Gontor easily through our online portal. Complete your application and upload documents from anywhere. Begin your academic journey with us today!
Upload Documents
Complete your application by filling out and submitting the form. Ensure all required documents are attached and take the next step toward joining Universitas Darussalam Gontor!
Review The Submission
Your application and documents will be carefully reviewed by our admissions team. We will assess your eligibility and contact you with the next steps for joining Universitas Darussalam Gontor.
Passed Administration
Our team will contact you shortly with further instructions for the next steps in the admissions process at Universitas Darussalam Gontor.
Interviewing Process
As part of the admissions process the admissions team will provide you with the schedule and guidelines for the interview.
Student Enrollment
Successful applicants will receive an official offer of admission to Universitas Darussalam Gontor, along with instructions for enrollment.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants for undergraduate programs must have completed high school or equivalent with strong academic performance.
- Candidates for postgraduate programs must hold a relevant Bachelor’s degree (for Master’s) or Master’s degree (for PhD) from an accredited institution.
- International applicants must meet academic and language requirements for their chosen program and comply with student visa regulations.