Undergraduate Program
Academic Program
The Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor is committed to producing professional medical professionals through a community-based medical approach rooted in the pesantren system. Supported by a comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, and modern facilities, the faculty integrates academic education with Islamic values. Students are required to live in dormitories and experience pesantren life to gain a deep understanding of the culture and healthcare needs of pesantren communities. Additionally, the Faculty of Medicine at UNIDA Gontor actively engages in research and community service, contributing to the advancement of medical science and the improvement of public health.
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University of Darussalam Gontor is unique among its kind in the country. Its uniqueness lied at the boarding system which is designed for effective learning inside the integrated campus. In this integrated campus the whole scientific, spiritual and entrepreneurship activities could be carried out effectively to design a community of scientific tradition.
The Faculty of Medicine, Darussalam Gontor University offers more than just medical education,
we produce doctors who are not only superior in their knowledge, but also have an Islamic character, have a santri spirit, and are ready to serve the people.
We offer world-class facilities with integrated academic information system