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Magister of

Arabic Language Teaching

University of Darussalam Gontor

Overview Of Magister of Arabic Language Teaching

The Master of Arabic Education study program is a study program that focuses on the development of Arabic language and its teaching methods. Alumni of the Arabic language education study program are specially prepared to be able to contribute actively in developing science and solving real problems related to education in the field of Arabic language education studies.

News and Event

Studi Akademik


Family Gathering


Monthly Study


Career Prospects

  1. Professional Arabic language teachers or educators at educational institutions both nationally and internationally
  2. Researcher in the field of Arabic language at research institutions.
  3. Arabic translators in various institutions both domestically and abroad.


Become a leading study program in various sustainable sectors and based on Islamic values.


Organizing Arabic language education with international standards

Conduct innovative research in the field of Arabic

Contributing to society through quality Arabic language teaching

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