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Technology of Agricultural Industry

University of Darussalam Gontor

Overview of the Study Program Technology of Agricultural Industry

The Bachelor of Agricultural Industrial Engineering Study Program is a study program that prepares graduates with the ability to design, develop, control, evaluate and improve the performance of sustainable agroindustry systems through an integrated approach to aspects of process technology, engineering, systems, industrial management, and the environment to increase the added value of agricultural / biological resources and their derivatives, especially in the field of halal agroindustry.

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career prospects

  1. Young researchers and engineers in basic and applied research in the fields of process technology, systems engineering, industrial management, and the environment, especially in the field of halal agroindustry.
    2. Agroindustry practitioners who have competence in the field of halal assurance systems and agroindustry management
    3. Muslim tchnoprenuer who has the competence to plan, analyze feasibility, implement and evaluate agroindustry business ventures.
    4. Become scholars who have the character of scholars who are principled in Islamic values and implement them in aspects of life.


“To become a center for the development of agricultural industry technology that is nationally and internationally competitive and based on Islamic values”


Organizing quality education in the field of agricultural industrial technology that is adaptive to technological developments

Conduct research and technology development in the agricultural sector to support agro-industry sustainability

Contributing to society and industry through efficient and environmentally friendly technological innovations in agriculture.

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