University of Darussalam Gontor
Darussalam Gontor University Informatics Engineering Bachelor of Science Program is a study program that integrates the principles of information technology with Islamic values and ethics based on the Islamization of science. This study program produces scholars who have specialized skills in software development, information systems management, and IT security, so that they are expected to be able to create technological solutions that are in accordance with Islamic principles, supporting ethical and sustainable digital innovation.
1.System Analysts and Programmers who apply and develop web-based, client-server, and mobile applications on various programming platforms.
2. Entrepreneurs who create and develop IT-based business ideas that can generate income by considering outside and inside investors
3. Young researchers and engineers in basic and applied research in the field of computer technology.
To become a leading study program in the education and development of innovative and Islamic-based informatics technology.
Organizing education that produces graduates who are experts in the field of information technology and are able to compete at the national and international levels.
Conduct research in the field of informatics that is innovative and applicable to the needs of industry and society.
Making a real contribution to the development of information technology through collaboration with various parties and community service.
Darussalam Gontor University has been accredited as a Superior Institution by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) in 2023.
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