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Sharia Economic Law

University of Darussalam Gontor

Overview of the Study Program Sharia Economic Law

Darussalam Gontor University’s Bachelor Sharia Economic Law Study Program is designed to produce graduates who are able to contribute actively in developing science and solving real problems related to Islamic law and sharia. This study program has produced qualified and meaningful scholars who are engaged in academics, legal practitioners and Islamic financial institutions both domestically and abroad.

News and Events

Academic Study

Program News

Family Gathering


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Career Prospects

  1. Lawyer Specializing in Islamic Economic Law
  2. Researcher
  3. Sharia Consultant
  4. manajer Legal Counsel at Islamic Financial Institutionskebunan
  5. Policy Expert


To become a leading study program in the development of sustainable agricultural technology based on Islamic values.


Organizing quality education in the field of agrotechnology by focusing on food security and environmental sustainability.

Conduct research in the field of agrotechnology that is relevant to global agricultural challenges.

Implement efficient and environmentally friendly agricultural technologies to support sustainable agricultural development.

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