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Accreditation Rating

Darussalam Gontor University


Darussalam Gontor University has achieved Superior accreditation, and became one of the Private Universities (PTS) in Indonesia that achieved Superior accreditation. The meaning of Superior accreditation itself is that when a university manages to get superior accreditation, it can be said that the university is very good regarding the achievements in it and has exceeded the National Higher Education Standards in Indonesia.

Study Program Accreditation

Universitas Darussalam Gontor (UNIDA) not only focuses on education and research, but also has a strong commitment to community service, both domestically and internationally. Therefore, each study program always tries to be better by increasing accreditation in each study program.

Becoming One of the Universities with the Most MOUs in Indonesia

Universitas Darussalam Gontor (UNIDA) continues to strengthen its position as one of the leading universities in Indonesia, not only through quality academic programs, but also through an extensive network of cooperation. To date, UNIDA Gontor has established Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with various institutions, both domestic and foreign. With the number of MOUs that continue to grow, UNIDA is one of the universities in Indonesia that has the most collaborations in various fields.