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Study Program

Medical Profession

University of Darussalam Gontor

Overview of the Study Program Medical Profession

The Medical Profession Program is a continuation of undergraduate medical education, where students will undertake hands-on clinical practice in hospitals and healthcare facilities. The program is designed to provide hands-on experience in managing patients, understanding diagnosis, and providing medical care in accordance with professional standards. Students will be trained in various specialty areas, such as internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and others.

Program News and Events

Academic Studies

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Family Gathering


Weekly Review

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Study Program Career Prospect

  1. Doctor clinis
  2. doctor puskesmas
  3. specialist doctor
  4. medical researcher


To become a leading medical profession program, with graduates who are professional, competent, and highly competitive in providing quality health services and Islamic.


Organizing professional education based on clinical skills, empathy, and ethical service

Developing the ability of doctors to handle complex clinical cases, with a scientific and Islamic approach

Provide a learning environment that supports the development of professional and spiritual competencies in health services

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