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Bachelor of

Nutrition Science

University of Darussalam Gontor

Overview of the Study Program Nutrition Science

The Nutrition Science Program aims to produce nutritionists who are competent in providing health services based on nutritional science. Students study clinical nutrition, community nutrition, and dietetics. The program is designed to develop students’ ability to analyze nutritional problems in the community and provide solutions through appropriate nutritional interventions.

Program News and Events

Academic Studies

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Study Program Career Prospects

  1. Clinical nutritionist
  2. community nutritionist
  3. nutrition consultant
  4. nutrition researcher
  5. health manager


To become an excellent center for nutrition education and research in supporting the improvement of public health based on Islamic nutrition.


To become a center for superior nutrition education and research in supporting the improvement of public health based on Islamic nutrition.

Conducting research in the field of nutrition to provide solutions to public health problems

Applying nutrition science in community service to improve health and well-being through research-based nutrition interventions.

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