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Bachelor of

Islamic Education

University of Darussalam Gontor

Overview Of The Study Program Islamic Education

The S1 Islamic Education Study Program prioritizes strengthening Islamic Education and Dirasah Islamiyah materials which are realized in a comprehensive Islamic education curriculum. This curriculum combines scientific and spiritual traditions in the exercise of dhikr, exercise of thought, and exercise carried out in a pesantren college environment by emphasizing the balance of Dirasah Islamiyah materials and educational science. So that it can produce graduates who have Islamic and educational integrity.

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Career prospects

  1. Teachers or professional religious educators at educational institutions both nationally and internationally
  2. Managers of Islamic Education institutions such as Islamic boarding schools and madrasas
  3. Researchers in the field of Islamic education at research institutions.
  4. Educational counselors in schools, madrasas and Islamic boarding schools.


To produce competent and dedicated Islamic religious educators.


Organizing superior education in the field of Islamic Religious Education.

Conducting religious education research that is oriented to the needs of the community

Devoting ourselves to society through teaching and developing religious education

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