UNIDA Gontor – On Saturday (22/6/2024) Darussalam Gontor University received an academic visit from the College of Tarbiyah Nurussalam, Sidogede, Belitang, South Sumatra. This visit was carried out in order to get to know more about the education system in pesantren-based universities, namely UNIDA Gontor. The series of activities were in the form of seminars, followed by symposiums between students and campus tours.
This activity was also attended by students from the Modern Islamic Boarding School Nurussalam, Sidogede, Belitang, South Sumatra. The santri and mahasantri were very enthusiastic in paying attention to the presentation given by the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Cooperation, Research, Service, and Alumni, Ustadz Dr. Cecep Sobar Rohmat M.Pd.I. He explained various things related to the education system implemented at Unida Gontor, ranging from history, activities, to the advantages of Unida Gontor.
Darussalam Gontor University has three main advantages, namely; 1. Being a center for the Islamization of contemporary science, 2. Being a center for learning the language of the Qur’an, 3. Being an integrated pesantren-based university. Hopefully this academic study visit can add insight to the santri and mahasantri related to universities with an integrated pesantren system.
Editor Debianvianest Narendra