Fakultas Syariah Universitas Darussalam Gontor 38


This program is established as the response of University of Darussalam Gontor toward rapid development of Islamic Financial Institution. This development is signed by the establishment of Islamic Financial institution such as Islamic Banking, Islamic Insurance, and Islamic Capital Market. Moreover, the development has reached micro-finance by having Islamic Rural Bank. This program is aimed to create Islamic Financial manager who master financial principles and institutions using Islamic values and fiqh-finance analysis. This program, has been acknowledged by Indonesian Government through the decree of National Accreditation Board by grade “Excellent”.

This department is the first department of Islamic Finance in Indonesia (it has opened in 2000), this department is using Arabic and English as the process of instructional program, it prepares the expert of jurisprudence and economics simultaneously, judicial practice of financial cases; so that graduates will be ready to involve in the religious courts related to Islamic finance.


To become a leading and competitive department in Islamic Economics Law based on the Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge with a pesantren-based education system to enhance the welfare of the people,
Gedung Utama Universitas Darussalam Gontor UNIDA Gontor


Education and Learning

Organizing high-quality and meaningful educational and learning activities in the field of Islamic Economics Law;


Implementing and developing an academic atmosphere through collaborations and partnerships in the field of Islamic Economics Law;


To provide graduates who possess the pesantren values and have the capability to compete at the national and international levels in the field of Islamic Economics Law;


Enhancing academics' proficiency in the area of Islamic Economics Law.


Implementing excellent and meaningful education, learning, research, and community service in the subject of Islamic Economics Law;
Producing graduates of Islamic Economics Law with the spirit of a pesantren and mastering ten basic competencies: problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligent, judgement and decision making, service orientation, negotiation dan cognitive flexibility, and have the capability to compete at the national and international levels;
Establishing collaborations and partnerships in the area of Islamic Economics Law to uphold the academic environment.


Produce graduates on time at least 80% for undergraduate programs;
Every year, produce at least 15 final project from student research and published by trustworthy publishers;
At least complete 18 partnerships and implementations planned in academic calendar.
All lecturers in the Department of Islamic Economics Law have research and community service records;

Why choose Islamic Economics Law at UNIDA Gontor

Academic Excellence

Universitas Darussalam Gontor is committed to delivering high-quality education through a robust curriculum, expert faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities. With a strong emphasis on research, innovation, and critical thinking, the university nurtures students to excel in their chosen fields while fostering a lifelong love for learning.

Internationally Oriented Programs

UNIDA Gontor offers programs that prepare students for the global stage. With a focus on multilingual proficiency (Arabic and English) and opportunities for international exposure, graduates are equipped to compete and collaborate in diverse cultural and professional environments.

Career opportunities

Universitas Darussalam Gontor prepares students for thriving careers by equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in competitive job markets. Graduates benefit from a well-rounded education, strong professional networks, and practical experiences gained through internships, community engagement, and international programs.

Strong Alumni Network

UNIDA Gontor boasts a wide-reaching alumni network that spans across various industries and professions. Graduates of the university have made significant contributions to society, showcasing the impact of a UNIDA Gontor education and providing mentorship opportunities for current students.


Head of Islamic Economics Law UNIDA Gontor -Muhammad Abdul Aziz, M.Si.
Muhammad Abdul Aziz, S.H.I., M.Si.
Head of Department of Islamic Economics Law
Ethics of Syariah Business
Islamic Economics Law UNIDA Gontor - Zulfatus Sa'diah, S.H.I., M.E.
Zulfatus Sa'diah, S.H.I., M.E.
Secretary of Department of Islamic Economics Law
Syariah Business
Vice Dean I Islamic Law UNIDA Gontor - Dr. Ahmad Muqorobin, M.A
Dr. Ahmad Muqorobin, M.A.
Vice Dean I (Academic, Research and Innovation)
Islamic Economic and Finance
Vice Dean III Islamic Law UNIDA Gontor - Eko Nur Cahyo, Ph.D. 2
Eko Nur Cahyo, Ph.D.
Vice Dean III (Pesantren, Student Affairs, Cooperations, and International Relations)
Islamic Philanthropy
Islamic Economics Law HES UNIDA Gontor-Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ghozali, M.H.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ghozali, M.A.
Syariah Economics
Logo UNIDA Gontor
Dr. Meitria Cahyani, S.H., M.H.
Law of Consumer Protection
Islamic Economics Law HES UNIDA Gontor - Daud Sukoco, M.E.
Daud Sukoco, M.E.
Business Ethics
Islamic Economics Law HES UNIDA Gontor - Devid Frastiawan Amir Sup, M.E.
Devid Frastiawan Amir Sup, S.H.I., M.E.
Quality Assurance Unit
Syariah Finance Institution
Logo UNIDA Gontor
Fadhila Sukur Indra, S.HI., M.E.
Syariah Assurance
Islamic Economics Law HES UNIDA Gontor - Khurun'in Zahro, M.H.
Khurun'in Zahro', S.H., M.H.
Law of Zakat and Waqf
Islamic Economics Law HES UNIDA Gontor - May Shinta Retnowati, M.E.
May Shinta Retnowati, S.H., M.E.
Mini Bank Laboratory
Syariah Economics
Islamic Economics Law HES UNIDA Gontor -M. Syifa Urrosyidin, M.Pd.
Mohammad Syifa Urrosyidin, S.E.I., M.Pd.
Student Affairs Coordinator
Arabic Language Teaching
Islamic Economics Law HES UNIDA Gontor - Muhammad Irkham Firdaus, M.H.
Muhammad Irkham Firdaus, S.H., M.H.
Peradilan Semu Laboratory
Economics Law
Logo UNIDA Gontor
Muhammad Rusydianta, S.H.I., M.H.
Law Sciences
Islamic Economics Law HES UNIDA Gontor - Novan Fatchu Alafianta, M.H.
Novan Fatchu Alafianta, M.H.
Syariah Law
Islamic Economics Law HES UNIDA Gontor - Abdullah Khoiri, M.SEI.
Abdullah Khoiri, M.SEI.
Islamic Economics Law HES UNIDA Gontor - Vina Fithriana Wibisono, M.H.
Vina Fithriana Wibisono, M.H.
Islamic Economics Law HES UNIDA Gontor-Annisa Silvi Kusumastuti, M.H.
Annisa Silvi Kusumastuti, M.H.
Student Affairs Coordinator

Core Courses

- Tafsir of Economics
- Hadith of Economics
- Philosophy of Islamic Economics
- Muqaranah Madzahib fil Muamalat (Comparative Schools of Muamalat Study)
- Contemporary Islamic Finance Institutions
- Islamic Banking Management
- Philosophy of Islamic Laws
- Advocacy and Arbitration
- Legal Drafting
- Fieldwork in Religious Courts and Islamic Financial Institutions