Peradilan Semu Perbandingan Madzhab Fakultas Syariah Universitas Darussalam Gontor 49


By the support of lecturers of Middle East university graduate, the department attempts to prepare scholars who are expert at Fiqh, who master not only Islamic Laws of one school, but also all schools of jurisprudence. It is socially necessary for resolving syariah problem in the society and academically essential for extensive study of Islamic law. In addition to the study of Islamic law the students also learn Indonesian civil and criminal law to broaden their outlook on dealing with legal cases. This department has been recognised by the Government of Indonesia in 2022, under the decree of Board of National Accreditation, with the grade “Excellent”.

Some excellencies in this department are mastering the jurisprudence from the original source with positive law, using Arabic and English as the language teaching of fiqh, conducting international cooperative relationship that enable the graduates to undertake their further studies in abroad, conducting practical on judicial program that provided the graduates to be able to involve in religious courts, more of that it was being accredited by National Accreditation Board of Higher Education.


Excellence in the advancement of Sharia and legal sciences in the contemporary reality, grounded on Islamization (integration) with the pesantren-based university system for the benefit of ummah.
Universitas Darussalam Gontor 993


Education and Learning

Carrying out pesantren-based education and learning processes in the fields of sharia science (comparative schools of jurisprudence) and legal science in order to develop the Islamization of contemporary knowledge;

Community Service

Enhancing the implementation of community service as a form of the role of the Department of Comparative School of Jurisprudence and Law for the welfare of ummah;


Improving collaboration in the Tridharma of higher education at both regional and international levels in the areas of sharia science (comparative schools of jurisprudence) and legal studies;


Developing integrative research in the field of Sharia and legal science based on comparative schools of jurisprudence.


To cultivate educators, researchers, experts, and practitioners in Sharia science (comparative schools of jurisprudence) and legal science, who are faithful, possess noble characters, broad knowledge, and can apply their knowledge competently while competing at both national and international levels within the framework of the Islamization of contemporary knowledge;
To produce a excellent and comprehensive study and research center in the field of Sharia (comparative schools of jurisprudence) and legal science based on the Islamization of contemporary knowledge;
Realizing community service in the field of Sharia and law science for the welfare of ummah;


A capable, professional and responsive scholar in the field of Sharia (comparative school of jurisprudence) and legal science.
High-quality, applicable, effective, and relevant scientific publications in the domain of Sharia science and law.
Productive and relevant service in the field of Sharia and legal sciences to addres community needs through empowerment and consultation.
Collaborating with a variety of stakeholders both domestically and internationally to advance the tri dharma of higher education in the field of Sharia science and law.

Why choose Comparative School of Jurisprudence at UNIDA Gontor

Islamic intellectual

To create Muslim scholars who have a comprehensive Islamic knowledge and civilisation with reference to Islamic intellectual heritage so as to be able to comprehend, criticise and select other civilisation.

Islamisation knowledge

To produce Muslim scholars who have competency of carrying out the process of integration and Islamisation of contemporary knowledge, individually or collectively by collaborating with experts of various disciplines, according to the present need of the Muslim ummah.

Develop civilisation

To provide Muslim scholars who can integrate their moral and intellectual force so as to be able to play their contributive role for the development of Islamic thought and civilisation.

Strong Alumni Network

UNIDA Gontor boasts a wide-reaching alumni network that spans across various industries and professions. Graduates of the university have made significant contributions to society, showcasing the impact of a UNIDA Gontor education and providing mentorship opportunities for current students.


Head of Comparative School of Jurisprudence UNIDA Gontor - Saipul Nasution, S.H., M.A., Ph.D.
Saipul Nasution, S.H., M.A., Ph.D.
Head of Department of Comparative School of Jurisprudence
Secretary of Comparative School of Jurisprudence UNIDA Gontor - Yana Elita Ardiani, S.H., M.Pd.
Yana Elita Ardiani, S.H.I., M.Pd.
Secretary of Department of Comparative School of Jurisprudence
Comparative School of Jurisprudence PM UNIDA Gontor - Achmad Arif, B.SH., M.A.
Achmad Arif, B.SH., M.A.
Student Affairs Coordinator
Religion of Islam
Vice Dean II Islamic Law UNIDA Gontor - Andini Rachmawati, S.H.I., M.CL.
Andini Rachmawati, S.H.I., M.CL.
Vice Dean II (Finance, Human Resources and Assets Management)
Private Law
Comparative School of Jurisprudence PM UNIDA Gontor - Fadhila Tianti Mudi Awalia, S.H, M.H.
Fadhila Tianti Mudi Awalia, S.H, M.H.
Student Affairs Coordinator
Comparative School of Jurisprudence PM UNIDA Gontor - Arif Dian Santoso, S.H., M.H. (2)
Arif Dian Santoso, S.H., M.H.
Health Law
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Dr. Rashda Diana, Lc., M.A.
Islamic Political Science
Head of Legal Consultation and Aid Institute UNIDA Gontor - Fazari Zul Hasmi Kanggas, S.H.I., M.H.
Fazari Zul Hasmi Kanggas, S.H.I., M.H.
Head of Peradilan Semu Laboratory
Islamic Family Law
Comparative School of Jurisprudence PM UNIDA Gontor - Febrian Arif Wicaksana, S.H.I., M.H.
Febrian Arif Wicaksana, S.H.I., M.H.
Comparative School of Jurisprudence PM UNIDA Gontor - Fahman Mumtazi, S.H., M.A.
Fahman Mumtazi, S.H., M.A.
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Iman Nur Hidayat, M.A.
Senate of Faculty
Syariah Law
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Teguh Eka Prasetya, S.H., M.H.
Comparative School of Jurisprudence PM UNIDA Gontor - M. Akhlis Azamuddin Tifani, S.H., M.H.
M. Akhlis Azamuddin Tifani, S.H., M.H.
Comparative School of Jurisprudence PM UNIDA Gontor - Usamah Abdurrahman, S.E., M.A.
Usamah Abdurrahman, S.E., M.A.
Comparative School of Jurisprudence PM UNIDA Gontor - Yaumi Sa'adah, S.H., M.H.
Yaumi Sa'adah, M.H.
Head of Center for Mawarith Studies (CMS) UNIDA Gontor - Ahmad Jalaludin, S.H., M.H.
Achmad Jalaludin, S.H., M.H.
Head of Center for Mawarith Studies (CMS)

Core Courses

  • Comparative Study of Islamic Law
  • Tafsir Ahkam
  • Hadits Ahkam
  • Islamic Penal Code and Introduction to Law
  • Islamic Legal Philosophy
  • History of Islamic Jurisprudence
  • Memorising Al-Quran