Undergraduate Program
Undergraduate Program
The Faculty of Sharia aspires to be a Center for the Development of Sharia and Legal Sciences, designed toward the Islamization of Contemporary Science, with a Pesantren higher education system that contributes significantly to people's well-being. During the integration process, this faculty develops the tridharma of higher education in a pesantren-based education system, as well as a framework for scientific progress based on the Islamization of contemporary science. It is envisaged that by combining the pesantren system, Islamization of science, and contemporary science, this faculty will become The Fountain of Wisdom.
University of Darussalam Gontor is unique in itself. It is the university that previously belongs to family and then endowed to society, after which it is no longer belongs to family but converted to the property of Muslim ummah and hence became Waqf university.
A choice that makes the difference.
We've achieved an enviable reputation for research and teaching excellence.
The Fountain of Wisdom. A Place For Learning, Discovery, Innovation, Expression And Discourse.
We offer world-class facilities with integrated academic information system