

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

الحمد لله عَدَدَ خَلْقهِ وَرِضَى نَفْسِهِ وَزِنَةَ عَرْشِهِ وَمِدَادَ كَلِمَاتِهِ

Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor.

First and foremost, congratulations, and best wishes for a successful and happy future.

Universitas Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor is one of Indonesia’s most prestigious educational institutions, making significant contributions to academic life both nationally and internationally. The university was founded by the three brothers the late KH Ahmad Sahal, K.H. Zainuddin Fannani, and K.H. Imam Zarkasyi, not long after they had founded the Modern Islamic Institution (Pondok Modern) Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo, Indonesia in 1926. The school rapid progress and its brilliant achievement soon led to the idea of establishing a world-class Islamic university. It was their cherished desire to establish an Islamic institute of higher learning that can produce genuine and authoritative Muslim scholars (ulama). As such, UNIDA envisions to become a quality and meaningful pesantren- based university, as a centre for science development oriented to the Islamisation of Contemporary Knowledge and for the study of the language of the Qur’an for the welfare of mankind.

Although the faculty of Humanities was created in 2014, it represents the continuation of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo's long and proud history. This tradition, which serves as a key source of motivation for us, results in the creation of a dynamic structure that allows us to take bold and firm moves forward. Our faculty works hard to meet its responsibilities in this matter. In such matter, the faculty of Humanities has a vision to become a leading faculty in the field of social-humanities at the national and international levels, oriented towards the Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge with a pesantren-based university educational system.

In this Faculty, students and lecturers intermingle in the unique environment and enjoy fabulous learning society, under at least five spirits comprising sincerity, simplicity, self-reliance, brotherhood and freedom. It offers teaching and research in both English and Arabic languages across two departments; Communication Sciences and International Relations and led by competent and experienced faculty members. Our belief in the value of both practical and theoretical knowledge has enabled professionals and specialists from various sectors to teach in our faculty, allowing these individuals to share their experiences.

Aside from coursework, our faculty hosts a variety of scientific gatherings including as weekly Islamization meeting and that of Kepesantrenan, trainings, seminars, workshops, and many more. We believe in our valued students and strive to be an innovative and pioneering research institution while also raising individuals who respect social values and norms, are prejudice-free, understand the value of analytical thinking, and are beneficial to the country and humanity.

The faculty strives to offer each generation of students a meaningful and rich educational experience under the direction of sincere lecturers who integrate their research knowledge and Islamic value into the classroom and beyond. Impactful research that improves our knowledge of culture, society, and the wider world is also conducted by our researchers. Students in the faculty have access to an even greater range of opportunities specifically in the field of broadcasting, public relations, diplomacy, consular affairs, global consultancy and advocacy, entrepreneur as well as academician in Communication Science and International Relations, obtaining an education that is truly interdisciplinary and will be useful in their future endeavours.

In addition, the faculty has adopted a total boarding system where the mosque, hostel, lecture rooms, library, laboratories, sport-ground, lecturer houses and other facilities are located inside the campus, thereby creating an environment conducive for intensive learning and interaction between students and lecturers. This exclusive boarding system is significantly promising for the cultivation of Islamic values such as brotherhood, sincerity, simplicity, tolerance, the spirit of self-reliance, leadership, etc. With this integrated system of higher education, the faculty of Humanities is designed to realize its vision and mission.

I hope you will take the time to browse our website and learn for yourself the diverse and fascinating programs and activities we provide. I also invite you to stay up with the faculty's news and advancements through our website, YouTube, Podcast, Instagram, and Telegram channels.

Thank you.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Latief, M.A.
Dean of Faculty of Humanities

Excelent Acreditation Department


To become a leading faculty in the field of social and humanities sciences at the national and international levels, oriented toward the Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge within a pesantren-based higher education system.
Hubungan Internasional Fakultas Humaniora Hubungan Internasional Universitas Darussalam UNIDA Gontor


Educational in Social and Humanities Sciences

To provide education in the field of social and humanities sciences, oriented toward the Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge within a pesantren-based system.

Conducting Research in Social and Humanities Sciences

To carry out creative, innovative, and competitive research in the field of social and humanities sciences, oriented toward the Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge, with achievements in nationally and internationally reputable publications.

Delivering Community Service in Social and Humanities Fields

To conduct innovative, applicable, and solution-oriented community service in the field of social and humanities sciences, based on the Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge.

Fostering National and International Collaborations

To establish partnerships at national and international levels to expand networks and enhance the quality of knowledge and expertise.
Universitas Darussalam Gontor 93349

Meet Our Lecturers

Deanship Faculty of Humanities

Mohamad Latief UNIDA Gontor
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Latief, M.A.
Dean Faculty of Humanities
Islamic Political Thought
Sofi Mubarok UNIDA Gontor
Sofi Mubarok, Lc. M.A.
Vice Dean I (Academic, Research, and Community Service)
Islamic International Relations Theory
Hesti Rokhaniyah UNIDA Gontor
Hesti Rokhaniyah, M.Pd.
Vice Dean II (Finance, Human Resources, Assets, Publications, and Journals)
English Language
Mohammad Luthfi UNIDA Gontor
Mohammad Luthfi, M.I.Kom.
Vice Dean III (Pesantren, Student Affairs, Partnerships, and Alumni)
Islamic Public Relations

International Relations

Novi Rizka Amalia UNIDA Gontor
Novi Rizka Amalia, S.IP., M.A.
Head of Undergraduate Program
Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
Dini Septyana Rahayu HI
Dini Septyana Rahayu, S.IP., M.Hub.Int.
International Development
Ali Musa Harahap HI UNIDA Gontor
Asst. Prof. Ali Musa Harahap, M.H.S., Ph.D.
International Politics
Ahmad Zakky Mubarok HI UNIDA Gontor
Ahmad Zakky Mubarok, M.H.I.
Transnational Studies
Afni Regita Cahyani Muis UNIDA Gontor HI
Afni Regita Cahyani Muis, S.IP., M.A.
International Political Economy
Dwi Ardiyanti UNIDA Gontor HI
Dwi Ardiyanti, S.S., M.A.
International Security
Ida Susilowati UNIDA Gontor HI
Ida Susilowati, M.A.
International Law
Alde Mulia Putra UNIDA Gontor HI
Alde Mulia Putra, M.Pd.
Arabic Language
Rudi Candra UNIDA Gontor HI
Rudi Candra, Lc., M.A.
Cultural and Media Studies
Muhsin Abdul Hadi UNIDA Gontor HI
Muhsin Abdul Hadi, M.A.
Foreign Policy
Iqbal Maulana Alfiansyah UNIDA Gontor
Dr. Iqbal Maulana Alfiansyah, M.Ag.
Islamization of Knowledge
Alen Tiara, S.IP. M.H.I
Transnational Studies

Communication Science

Bambang Setyo Utomo UNIDA Gontor
Bambang Setyo Utomo, M.I.Kom.
Head of Undergraduate Program
Social Communications
Bambang Setyo Utomo UNIDA Gontor Ilkom
Salma Laila Qodriyah, S.Sos., M.I.Kom.
Islamic Cyber and Mass Media
Nurhana Marantika UNIDA Gontor Ilkom
Nurhana Marantika, S.Sos.I, M.A.
Communication Policy, Lobbying and Negotiation
Veri Setiawan UNIDA Gontor Ilkom
Veri Setiawan, M.I.Kom.
Digital Communication, Branding, and Political Communication
Taqiyuddin UNIDA Gontor Ilkom
Dr. Muhammad Taqiyuddin, S.H.I., M.Ag.
Philosophy and Islamic Communication
Diah Rukmini UNIDA Gontor Ilkom
Diah Rukmini, M.I.Kom.
Political Science and Media
Elfa Nuzila Halwa UNIDA Gontor Ilkom
Elfa Nuzila Halwa, M.Med.Kom.
Islamic Broadcasting and Media
Maulana Ashari, M.Pd.
Arabic Language
Tubagus Novalul Barokah UNIDA Gontor
Tubagus Novalul Barokah, M.Med.Kom.
Media Studies, and Cultural Communications
Farisma Jiatrahman, M.Pd.
English Language