Dean's Welcome
Welcome to Humanities Faculty of UNIDA Gontor. Faculty of Humanities was established in 2014. It is a popular faculty member at the university, with over 500 students and 19 full-time academic lecturers. Its formation represents a drive to integrate the Humanities with the Qur'anic Knowledge principles and disciplines.
To become a leading faculty in the field of social and humanities sciences at the national and international levels, oriented toward the Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge within a pesantren-based higher education system.

Educational in Social and Humanities Sciences
To provide education in the field of social and humanities sciences, oriented toward the Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge within a pesantren-based system.
Conducting Research in Social and Humanities Sciences
To carry out creative, innovative, and competitive research in the field of social and humanities sciences, oriented toward the Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge, with achievements in nationally and internationally reputable publications.
Delivering Community Service in Social and Humanities Fields
To conduct innovative, applicable, and solution-oriented community service in the field of social and humanities sciences, based on the Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge.
Fostering National and International Collaborations
To establish partnerships at national and international levels to expand networks and enhance the quality of knowledge and expertise.

Meet Our Lecturers
Deanship Faculty of Humanities

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Latief, M.A.
Dean Faculty of Humanities
Islamic Political Thought

Sofi Mubarok, Lc. M.A.
Vice Dean I (Academic, Research, and Community Service)
Islamic International Relations Theory

Hesti Rokhaniyah, M.Pd.
Vice Dean II (Finance, Human Resources, Assets, Publications, and Journals)
English Language

Mohammad Luthfi, M.I.Kom.
Vice Dean III (Pesantren, Student Affairs, Partnerships, and Alumni)
Islamic Public Relations
International Relations

Novi Rizka Amalia, S.IP., M.A.
Head of Undergraduate Program
Diplomacy and Foreign Policy

Dini Septyana Rahayu, S.IP., M.Hub.Int.
International Development

Dr. Ali Musa Harahap
International Politics

Ahmad Zakky Mubarok, M.H.I.
Transnational Studies

Afni Regita Cahyani Muis, S.IP., M.A.
International Political Economy

Dwi Ardiyanti, S.S., M.A.
International Security

Ida Susilowati, M.A.
International Law

Alde Mulia Putra, M.Pd.
Arabic Language

Muhsin Abdul Hadi, M.A.
Foreign Policy

Dr. Iqbal Maulana Alfiansyah, M.Ag.
Islamization of Knowledge

Alen Tiara, S.IP. M.H.I
Transnational Studies
Communication Science

Bambang Setyo Utomo, M.I.Kom.
Head of Undergraduate Program
Social Communications

Salma Laila Qodriyah, S.Sos., M.I.Kom.
Islamic Cyber and Mass Media

Nurhana Marantika, S.Sos.I, M.A.
Communication Policy, Lobbying and Negotiation

Veri Setiawan, M.I.Kom.
Digital Communication, Branding, and Political Communication

Dr. Muhammad Taqiyuddin, S.H.I., M.Ag.
Philosophy and Islamic Communication

Diah Rukmini, M.I.Kom.
Political Science and Media

Elfa Nuzila Halwa, M.Med.Kom.
Islamic Broadcasting and Media

Maulana Ashari, M.Pd.
Arabic Language

Tubagus Novalul Barokah, M.Med.Kom.
Media Studies, and Cultural Communications

Farisma Jiatrahman, M.Pd.
English Language
Today's Event
The process of teaching-learning and research can be effectively be carried out in academic activities, while building students morality as well as competencies, soft skills and talents can be successfully carried out through the integrated boarding system.
- Saturday, 21-28 November 2024
- 9am – 12am
- UNIDA Gontor, Indonesia
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University of Darussalam Gontor is unique in itself. It is the university that previously belongs to family and then endowed to society, after which it is no longer belongs to family but converted to the property of Muslim ummah and hence became Waqf university.
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World Data Summit
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Integrated Education System
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Why choose Faculty of Humanities at UNIDA Gontor
A choice that makes the difference.
The implementation of education, teaching, research, and Community Service within the framework of the Islamisation of contemporary Science and the development of the language of Al-Qur’an;
To produce alumni who have faith, noble character, broad knowledge, and creative thinking who master 10 basic competencies
comprising problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision making, service orientation, negotiation, and cognitive flexibility who are able to apply their knowledge creatively, innovatively and professionally, and able to compete at national and international levels.
Developing a system of pesantren-based higher education as a the basis of campus life in order to develop various competencies in accordance with the needs of the community;
Building cooperation with various parties, locally and internationally, in order to establish the three pillars of university, develop human resource, and strengthen the network.
Organising education, teaching, research, and community service within the framework of the Islamisation of contemporary knowledge and the development of the language of Al-qur’an;
University Rankings
We've achieved an enviable reputation for research and teaching excellence.
University Ranking in Indonesia
ASEAN University Ranking
World Rank
Top University on Youtube
Testimonials from Expert
Fountain Of Wisdom. A Place For Learning, Discovery, Innovation, Expression And Discourse

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bulut
Former Rector of Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Turkey
...I am sure UNIDA Gontor will make a very important and strong contribution for young generation of Indonesia...

H.E. Moazzam Malik
British Ambassador to Indonesia, ASEAN, and Timor Leste
...more than just an education institution. Gontor is one of the most prominent and well-known institutions in Indonesia that plays a very important role in shaping the future of Indonesia and, in my opinion, the future of the world.

Kim Chang-Beom
Ambassador of the Republic of Korea
The whole journey made by UNIDA Gontor will be making great contributions to the development of Indonesia as well as the Muslim education on a global scale.
Information System
We offer world-class facilities with integrated academic information system