About Faculty of Health Sciences UNIDA Gontor
Health science is an applied science that deals with human and animal health. It includes the study and research on the biological functions of humans and animals, to improve the health and to cure the disease. The main areas of research are biology, chemistry and physics; while the complementary subject is social sciences such as medical sociology. These fields of study is supported by and related to science of biochemistry, biotechnology, epidemiology, genetics, nursing, pharmacology, pharmacy, public health and medicine. For the time being, the Faculty of Health Sciences UNIDA Gontor offer four departments: Pharmacy, Nutrition, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), and Professional Pharmacist Education Program.
Menjadi fakultas terkemuka dalam mencetak tenaga kesehatan yang unggul, profesional, dan berakhlak mulia.

Pesantren System

What Make Us Spcecial?
Pesantren based university
To become a quality and meaningful pesantren- based university, as a centre for science development oriented to the Islamisation of contemporary knowledge and as a centre for the study of the language of the Qur’an for the welfare of mankind.