Teaching and research at the University of Darussalam Gontor also has also the mission of Islamisation of contemporary knowledge, known by some as integration. This mission can be effectively fulfilled by cross-departmental collaboration. Student from department of information technology, for example, can collaborate with student of department of economic and management. Again this is thank to the boarding system university.
Research Highlight
Pembukaan Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Kampus A UNIDA Gontor: Momentum Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Holistik
UNIDA Gontor Gelar Pengarahan UTS di Masjid Jami’, Tekankan Pentingnya Kepatuhan dan Makna Ujian
UNIDA Gontor Tingkatkan Kompetensi Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika Melalui Kunjungan Industri dan Akademik di Bandung

Research Centers
The Research Center has organized several research groups to implement strategic research topics. These research groups were established based on the Rector's Decree and have research topics that are in line with Universitas Darussalam Gontor's strategic research priorities.
Publication Journals
Publishing & Publication Agency of Universitas Darussalam Gontor is a publication support unit as a Tridharma of higher education to encourage & support the publication work of UNIDA Gontor academics in international scientific journals.

Research Expertise and Themes
Our research expertise encompasses diverse disciplines aimed at addressing global challenges through innovative solutions. Core themes include sustainable development, technological innovation, social and cultural studies, health and well-being, and education advancement. Each theme is guided by interdisciplinary collaboration, promoting impactful research that aligns with institutional priorities and global needs.
Find Collaborative
In the current era of rapid change and challenges, researchers are expected not only to work independently but also to collaborate with domestic counterparts to achieve more comprehensive and impactful research outcomes.