About Faculty of Science and Technology
Science and technology are necessary for the betterment of the quality of human life. Therefore, the Faculty of Science and Technology oriented towards the integration and balance of science, technology, humanity, and art. For undergraduate level, the curriculum is designed to enable students to master the basic of science and technology that can be directed towards productive activities and services of human needs. For the time being, the university of Darussalam Gontor offers three departments namely Agrotechnology, Agro-industrial Technology, and Informatics Engineering.
Menjadi fakultas yang unggul dalam pengembangan sains dan teknologi berbasis Islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan kontemporer dengan sistem pesantren

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What Make Us Spcecial?
Pesantren based university
To become a quality and meaningful pesantren- based university, as a centre for science development oriented to the Islamisation of contemporary knowledge and as a centre for the study of the language of the Qur’an for the welfare of mankind.