Pesantren based university
To become a quality and meaningful pesantren- based university, as a centre for science development oriented to the Islamisation of contemporary knowledge and as a centre for the study of the language of the Qur’an for the welfare of mankind.

Islamisation Directorate
Being a university that has a vision of Islamisation contemporary knowledge, University of Darussalam Gontor founded a Centre that responsible for designing, planning dan executing program of integration and Islamisation of sciences for student from first until final semester. For that purpose the Centre occasionally hold intensive discussion with lecturers who are expert on various disciplines of sciences and those who are competent on various field of Islamic studies such as theology, philosophy, science of interpretation (tafsir), prophetic tradition (hadith) and Islamic jurisprudence. These series of discussions are steps of designing curriculum as well as evaluation of its application. At the first step the discussion is focussed on the exposition of basic Islamic concepts relevant to and required by various discipline of sciences.

Boarding System Directorate
Being a part of Religious Education Institution, named Pondok Pesantren, UNIDA Gontor adopt boarding system. This is typical of Pesantren system of education and therefore the students are under the guardian of the Head of Pesantren, usually called Kyai (religious leader).Like pesantren system of education, the campus of UNIDA Gontor has not only three but four education Centres that consist of mosque as the Centre of activities; Kyai, a religious leader as central figure, boarding house as the representation of family and Integrated Boarding University society, and academic activities as the representation of formal education or school. By those four Centres of education students and teachers could live together under the shadow of Islamic values such as sincerity, simplicity, self-reliance, Islamic brotherhood and freedom.

Language Directorate
The primary task of Language Centre is to maximise the exploration and use of available resources in order to assist the students in mastering both Arabic and English, the main language of science and civilisation. The programs organised by the Centre include: Arabic language courses after Dzuhur prayer in class, English language courses every morning in the language laboratory, scientific discussion in Arabic and English in every Tuesday morning at the Jami’, seven minutes lecture after Maghrib prayer in Arabic and English. Also, Language Centre of UNIDA Gontor routinely carries Arabic language learning program for two to three months followed by foreign students; Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM),
International Islamic University College Selangor (KUIS), Sultan Idris Education University of Malaysia (UPSI), and students from Turkey and France.