Towards Wisdom Economics
The Faculty of Economics and Management in this university implements integration policies. First it integrates teaching in the classroom with research and community service or social engagement. Second, it also integrates sciences of economics and management with Islamic studies. This integration is carried out within the university boarding system where academic and non-academic activities are run in all occasion. In other words, the subject of economics and management are integrated with the subject of Islamic studies through the process of Islamisation that based on the the worldview of Islam. It is with such a model of integration that graduates of the Faculty could be able to resolve the economics problems of ummah or at least could give meaningful contribution for the betterment of the economics of the ummah. The Faculty Economics and Management is the faculty that generate Wisdom Economic.
Menjadi pusat pengembangan Ilmu Ekonomi dan Manajemen berbasis pesantren, berbahasa Al-Quran, bermutu, berarti yang terintegrasi dengan nilai-nilai keislaman untuk kesejahteraan umat dan diakui secara internasional.

Pesantren System

What Make Us Spcecial?
Pesantren based university
To become a quality and meaningful pesantren- based university, as a centre for science development oriented to the Islamisation of contemporary knowledge and as a centre for the study of the language of the Qur’an for the welfare of mankind.