Living Wisdom
Not just a campus, but every interaction, collaboration, and activity
carried out always has a value of wisdom based on Maqashid Syari'ah
Fountain of wisdom
At University of Darussalam Gontor, you will find a source of life wisdom, recognize the meaning of sincerity, simplicity, independence, ukhuwah Islamiyah and full of Islamic values.

of science

About the Directorate of Islamization

Directorate of Islamization is an institution that becomes a facilitator for the implementation of UNIDA Gontor's vision and mission, assisting students in understanding the Islamization of Contemporary Science.

Weekly Student Discussion

Weekly regular study program to build awareness about the process of integrating knowledge by bringing together students from the 7th semester of general study programs and Islamic studies with the supervision of lecturers and the directorate of Islamization

Markaz Qur'an

UNIDA Gontor pays great attention to al-Qur'an al-Karim and strives for all students to be able to interact with Al-Qur'an al-Karim optimally with the flagship programs of Tahsin Tilawah, Tahfidz, Study and Al-Qur'an Zone.


Directorate of Kepengasuhan

An institution that fosters santri students outside of lecture hours with two aspects of education and mentoring of santri students as a whole which includes coaching, application, discipline, improvement of worship, mental character development, and various other academic support activities.


The Student Academic Supporting Activity (AKPAM) is an assessment of student activities based on the level of activity outside of class hours including science, spirituality, arts & sports, organization, community service, student research, and other academic support activities.


As a form of appreciation to outstanding and exemplary students, Universitas Darussalam Gontor periodically provides rewards in the form of scholarships by considering the assessment, Academic Achievement Index, Academic Supporting Achievement Index, activity, morality and student mentality. This reward is open to every student


” I am sure UNIDA Gontor will make a very important and strong contribution for young generation of Indonesia..”

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bulut


Students Life

Darussalam Gontor University students implement a full dormitory system where mosques, dormitories, lecture halls, libraries, sports facilities, lecturer housing offices, and other facilities are located on an integrated campus.

Art & Culture

University of Darussalam Gontor provides various facilities to support students' interests and talents in the arts and culture. Every student is given the freedom to develop himself according to his passion.

Athletics & Fitness

To support student activities, UNIDA Gontor provides various sports facilities including: Soccer Field, Futsal, Basketball, Badminton, Sepak Takraw and so on. It is hoped that students are always in excellent condition


Is an institution of Zakat, Infaq, Alms and Waqf at University of Darussalam Gontor, which was founded in 2010.
The progress of performance from year to year continues to increase until now.


The distribution program is carried out to distribute donations to underprivileged students by taking into account various aspects of the eligibility of scholarship program recipients.


A program carried out to manage waqf funds trusted by donors. Like productive waqf, then the proceeds from these funds are used to help campus facilities.


Zakat management program for donors who want to pay tithe. This program also receives training on calculating zakat from donors. The results of zakat receipts will be managed in accordance with the applicable Islamic legal basis

Getting Arround Campus

Campus Access

Biking is a popular way to get around campus. Transit options also include a free campus shuttle and car-share. Public Safety provides police and emergency services 24 hours a day

Billingual area

Arabic and English are used in everyday conversation. this is to create a conducive bilingual environment for students